Modern BiologyQUIZ #2
9 February 1998
Problem Set Due Monday 16 February
1. What are the functions of ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and golgi complex in the cell.
2. Describe the difference between the quaternary structure of microfilaments and microtubules.
3. Life is sometimes described as a struggle against the second law of thermodynamics. Give one example where this would appear to be the case. How do organisms succeed without violating the law.
4. Give two methods by which a non-spontaneous metabolic reaction can be made to be spontaneous. (reversing the direction of the reaction is not one of the ways.)
5. Describe three methods by which the activity of an enzyme can be controlled.
6. Using the solutions from questions 4 and 5, explain why anaerobic
glycolysis ends at lactic acid.