NOTE that the scripts sometimes have trouble with not inserting returns at the ends of lines when directly read in by Netscape. Best to use option click to directly save as a file.
Link to coordiante file for Ras-mantGMP-PNP with Ras only (no GAP) and with a mantGTP with a Nitrogen bridge between the beta and gamma P's. Can run scripts ploop-far.scr and ploop-near.scr to see far and near views of the nucleotide and P-loop. In far view, residues 1-25 are in green to show how loop comes in as a beta strand and goes out as a helix. The conserved K and S residues are shown in magenta with sidechains. Rotate to get perspective and to see the K and S. In near view, only the nucleotide and loop are shown in closeup.
Link to coordinate file for Ras-Gap (1wq1). Can run script rasgap.scr to see view with the two critical Arg's in GAP shown in magenta. The Al is atomno 1356 and colored grey, the Mg is green and the fluorines are a similar yellow to the phosphorous. To see closeup, run script rasgap-near.scr. This has the nucleotide, the critical Arg (789:g) and Gln (61:r) in wireframe and the water nucleophile as magenta spacefill.
Link to coordinate file for Rho-Gap. This file has a Ras homolog called Rho in a complex with its GAP and GDP and AlF4 as a GTP or transition state analog. Run script rho.scr to see view shown in class of the AlF4 and attached water. View has things within 6 A of the Al and you can select and show stuff further away. It also has the Arg(85) supplied by the GAP and the Gln(63).
LInk to KEY.