L-Phenylalanine (an amino acid)               Glucose (a sugar)
Functional Groups for Modern /Cell Biology

Highlight these functional groups above (left):
The hydrophobic portion of the molecule.
The hydrophilic portion of the molecule.
The amino functional group.
The carboxyl functional group.
The phenyl functional group Remove the dots.
Highlight these features of glucose above (right):
The aldehyde functional group.
The hydroxyl functional groups.
Number the carbon atoms. Remove the dots.
Viewing Tip: Use the mouse and the Chime menu
selections to see the highlighted groups in different displays.
Go to page 2 of Functional Groups: Lipids & Nucleotides.
Take a "Chimed" Quiz on the Functional Groups you have seen on these two pages.
Take a 20-question True-False Quiz on the Functional Groups.
Back to Molecules for Modern/Cell Biology at CMU.