Residue Number | PDB Abbrev. | Full Name of Nucleoside | Standard Abbrev. |
10 | 2MG | N2-Methylguanosine | M2G |
16 & 17 | H2U | Dihydrouridine | D or hU |
26 | M2G | N2, N2-Dimethylguanosine | M22G |
32 | OMC | 2'-0-Methylcytidine | M2'C |
34 | OMG | 2'-0-Methylguanosine | M2'G |
37 | YG | Wybutosine* | Y-base |
39 & 55 | PSU | Pseudouridine | Y "Psi" |
40 & 49 | 5MC | 5-Methylcytidine | M5C |
46 | 7MG | 7-Methyguanosine | M7G |
54 | 5MU | 5-Methyluridine | T |
58 | 1MA | 1-Methyadenosine | M1A |
These three-letter abbreviations appear on the images when the indicated residues are labeled. All other residues are identified as the standard A, C, G, or U nucleotides.
*From the header (remark 5) of 6tna.pdb: "The modified base (Y-base) in this tRNA is commonly called 'wybutosine'. The systematic name for the base part of this nucleotide is 1H-Imidazo(1,2-alpha)purine-7-5 butanoic acid,4,9-dihydro-alpha-((methoxycarbonyl)amino)-5 4,6-dimethyl-9-oxo-methyl Ester. In reality the preceeding is a highly modified guanosine. It is linked to the ribose via the standard N9-C1' bond."!
A compilation of many other RNA modifications can be found at The RNA Modification Database.
Please note: The images displayed in this tutorial require the Chemscape Chime plug-in. In addition to simply displaying the molecular structures on a WWW page, the Chime plug-in allows the viewer to manipulate the image with pull-down menu choices, mouse and keyboard actions, and button-clicks. A demonstration of these additional features can be found at the Chime Features page.
[This tutorial is also available as a "RasMol animation", i.e. a set of linked scripts that can be run on a computer using the RasMol v2.6 program. A description of the animation and downloading instructions are on the RasMol Animation page.]
Back to Molecular Models for Biochemistry at CMU.
Dr. William McClure
Department of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213