Chime Viewer's Guide
Use this page as a quick reference (or as a printed reminder) of the mouse and keyboard
actions that are demonstrated on the Chime Features
Pop-up Menu: Click-and-hold in the image:
1. The best choices for small molecules are shown below in bold. - File: Save molecule as... | Export molecule as...
- Edit: Copy | Paste | Clear
- 2D Rendering
- Animation
- Rotation: Start | Stop
- Display: Wireframe | Sticks | Ball & Stick | Spacefill
- Options: Display Hydrogens | Dot Surface | Slab Mode | Specular | Shadows | Labels | Stereo Display
- Color: Monochrome | CPK
- About: MDL Information Systems link
2. These choices are useful for macromolecules such as proteins or DNA: - Display: Backbone | Ribbons | Strands | Cartoons
- Options: Display Hetero Atom Groups | Display Hydrogen Bonds | Display Disulphide Bridges
- Color: Shapely | Group | Chain | Temperature | Structure
Mouse and keyboard combinations: Hold these keys down while you
click-and-drag with the mouse, to produce the indicated Result in the image:
Macintosh | Windows | Result |
None | Left | Rotate about X or Y axes | Command ( ) | Ctrl-Right | Translate in X or Y direction | Shift-Command ( ) | Shift-Right | Rotate about Z axis | Shift | Shift-Left | Zoom in or out | Control | Ctrl-Left | Slab in and out (Applies if Slab Mode has been selected in the Options Menu.) |
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