The Fine Print

(Policies, Practices, and Penalties in CHY 363)

This statement applies only to lecture sections taught by Gale Rhodes, and takes precedence over any conflicting statements elsewhere.

Notice to Disabled Students: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please inform me during the first week of the semester, after consulting with the Office of Academic Support for Students with Disabilities, 237 Luther Bonney (780-4706). For problems with writing or study skills, make an appointment at the Learning Center, 253 Luther Bonney (780-4228) or the Counseling Center, 106 Payson Smith (780-4050).

Assignments: On exams, you are accountable for all assigned material, even though I will not cover all the material in class. As the course progresses, you should develop greater ability to read and use the text. I will try to cover the most difficult concepts in class and leave the rest for you. If you have difficulty with problems, concepts, or sections that I do not cover, ask me about them in class, in my office, or on the phone.

Attendance at class: I do not keep a record of attendance, but I sincerely believe that attending class regularly will improve your performance. I may make announcements in class, such as changes in exam dates or course policies. You are responsible for all announcements and for all material covered in class, even if you do not attend.

Attendance at exams: No early, late, or makeup exams -- no exceptions. If you miss an exam, whatever the reason, your grade for that exam will be the average of your other scaled exam scores, minus one letter grade (ten points). This applies to all exams, including the final exam. If you miss more than one exam, you cannot pass the course. In CHY 363, the seminar score is treated as an exam score in figuring your exam average.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not advisable to skip an exam because of this no-makeup policy. Preparing intensively for exams is an important part of your learning. If you choose to skip an exam, you will undoubtedly compromise your learning in that section of the course and hurt your performance on subsequent exams. In addition to the grade penalty, if you miss an exam, I cannot lower the weight of your worst exam score, nor can I consider such intangibles as improvement in arriving at your final grade.

Consulting and Advising: I will post my office hours outside Science 352. Send me your tired, poor, confused, lost, harried, or just plain lonely. If you are having problems with this course, I can suggest study methods that will work, if you will apply them immediately. See me NOW, before the grim examiner is at your door, because my study methods take time -- no last-minute measures will bail you out if you fall far behind.

End-of-Semester Blues: I do not give the grade of I (incomplete), and I try to avoid late W (withdraw). You must be carrying a grade of C or better before I will consider approving a late W.

Winter Storms: If classes are cancelled on an exam day, I will give the exam at the next meeting of the class. If any classes immediately before an exam are cancelled, I will still give the exam as scheduled. Call 780-4800 to find out if USM classes are affected by the weather.

Gale Rhodes

Phone: 780-4734

If you leave a message, please include your phone number and a time when I can reach you.

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