CHY 363 Grading Policy
Gale Rhodes
Chemistry Department
University of Southern Maine
   On each graded exam, you will find two scores. At the top left is the raw score , the number of points you earned out of the maximum possible (usually 100). At the top center (or circled) is the scaled score . To obtain the scaled score, I decide what range of raw scores corresponds to each letter grade. These ranges may vary from one exam to the next, according to the difficulty of the exam, the opportunities for earning partial credit, and other factors. Then I rescale the raw scores, assigning a scaled score of 90 to the lowest raw score in the A range, 80 to the lowest raw score in the B range, 70 for the lowest C, and 60 for the lowest D. For instance, regardless of your raw score, if your scaled score is 85, your exam performance is in the middle of the B range.
   Course Average: To compute your numerical grade for the course, I first average the scaled scores of regular exams and the seminar, weighting each as promised in the syllabus. If any one score is more than ten points below the average, I raise it to ten points below this average and compute the average again.
   This adjustment reduces the damage from a single poor performance, and it insures that it is always worth your while to take every exam -- no single score can lower your average more than failing to take one exam.
   To determine your course grade, I round your average to the nearest whole point (0.5 rounds up). Then I assign course grades according to this table:
Grade Assignments

Average Grade Average Grade Average Grade
93 or higher A 80-82 B- 68-69 D+
90-92 A- 78-79 C+ 63-67 D
88-89 B+ 73-77 C 60-62 D-
83-87 B 70-72 C- 60 or lower F

   At any time during the semester, you can estimate your current grade by simply averaging your scaled exam scores and finding the corresponding letter grade in the table.
   Close Calls: If your average is on a grade borderline, you are more likely (but not guaranteed) to get the higher grade if you showed great improvement during the semester. You are more likely to get the lower grade if your scaled scores went downward during the semester, or if you missed an exam.
Check for grading errors and inform me immediately.
Grades are final one week after you receive them.

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