Getting SwissPdbViewer

Obtain the programs and accessory files from the SwissPdbViewer Home Page at

This web site is constantly being expanded and revised.

At the Home Page, click on "Download", read the Disclaimer, and then click "downloading" to find out if there is a version appropriate for your computer, as well as for guidance in downloading and installing the program. In addition to the program, download the complete User Guide from the link at the top of the Download page. You can read the User Guide in Netscape or any other web browser. Just click on the file mainpage.html in the manual folder that is downloaded when you click on the user guide link. This should start your browser and allow you to read the whole manual without being connected to the internet.

Your computer must have a Windows or Mac OS environment and enough memory to run SwissPdbViewer and Netscape at the same time and thus have the User Guide available when needed. The Guide contains many internal links that allow you to move around in the manual by clicking on highlighted terms. Most importantly, the Guide contains several tutorials that help you learn advanced features of SwissPdbViewer. If you plan to use the tutorials, click on Tutorial at the Home Page, and follow instructions for downloading the PDB files needed in the tutorials.

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