VIEWS: Biomolecules Gale Rhodes Chemistry Department University of Southern Maine
Links To Files Used In Biochemistry Class (CHY 361-363)
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Topic: Biomolecules.
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Examples: Four Major Classes of Biomolecules
   With each of these examples, try to identify the functional groups present, and then determine what would be the products of acid- or base-catalyzed hydrolysis of each substance. These hydrolysis products are the building blocks of biomolecules.
   Note: In some of these models, the hydrogens are not present. Assume that unfilled valences of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus are taken by hydrogen. (Do you know why hydrogens are often missing from biomolecular models?)
Carbohydrates Trimannoside, a component of complex plant glycans (starches, more or less).
Lipids           Phosphatidyl choline, a structural component of cell membranes MembraneViewer.html.
                      Cholesterol, a substance that modifies the fluidity of membranes  MembraneViewer.html.
Nucleic Acids  A short piece of DNA, a nucleic acid, with five base pairsDNAEricMarz.html.
Proteins           A short polypeptide, or protein segment, from a gene-regulating protein.

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