1. Theoretical studies of the caloric and mechanical properties of electrical
double layers in electrochemical and colloidal systems
2. Adsorption/desorption kinetics of chemically adsorbed oroganothiols at
gold electrodes.
3. Thermodynamics of 2D phase equilibria in amphiphilic monolayers at the
air/water interface: Relationship between microstructure of condensed domains
and thermomechanical behaviour of Langmuir monolayers.
Selected Publications
- W.H. Mulder, "The caloric effect of adsorption at the electrified
metal/solution interface", Journal of Chemical Physics, 103, (1995),
- W.H. Mulder and B.S. Bharaj, "On the equivalence of free energy and
pressure profile methods for determining the mechanical properties of double
layers", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 421, (1997), 59-65.
- W.H. Mulder, "Equilibrium size distributions of circular domains in
amphiphilic monolayers", Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, (1997),
- W.H. Mulder, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Phase Coexistence and Stability in
Textured Amphiphilic Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface", Journal of
Physical Chemistry B, 102, (1998), 5460-5467.
Created and maintained by Dr.
Robert J. Lancashire,
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Created Feb 1995. Last modified 3rd June, 1999.