Statistics for


WUSAGE logo Statistics on the use of this Server.
This was the first web statistics package I tried and so information is available from Sept 1994. However, since I originally erased the log files after running the program each week, it has not been possible to go back over the early logs and get a complete coverage of access information. Full information is only available from February 1995.

WUSAGE 4, 5 and 6

Upgrades to WUSAGE program. I have experimented with version 4, 5 and 6 for Unix and 4.11(2) for NT and redid all the old reports from what data I had stored. The new features makes it much more user configurable and it looks very professional.

Getstats and Analog

I started using Getstats in February 1995 and since then have kept all the log files.
I had some problems getting it to compile on the SUN ULTRA under Solaris 2.6 and since it is no longer supported I have stopped using it and in future will be using Analog.
The yearly statistics pages have been redone using Analog.
Details of accesses for 1995.
Details of accesses for 1996.
Details of accesses for 1997.
Details of accesses for 1998.
Details of accesses for 1999.

Full details from 1995. Last updated in September 1999

Analog (now vs 3.31) runs significantly faster and it is possible to run it from a CGI script via a form without too many bandwidth and timeout problems. Despite this, I will continue to run the stats on a weekly basis as before.
Information from the statistics programmes are updated weekly, usually on Sunday mornings.

Other Utilities

To search this server for information, try starting at the search engine page or look at the list of files that make up the database.

Other utilities and a collection of useful(?) sites can be found as a set of bookmarks.

Server information

This site is now running on a SUN ULTRA 1 SPARC computer powered by Apache 1.3.9 (updated from 1.3.1 23rd Dec 1999). The change over from the TATUNG took place at 6PM 27th August 1998.
In nearly 5 years of operation, we have had very little downtime due to problems of our equipment in Chemistry. So if you can't connect, it is most likely that a problem has occurred either elsewhere on campus or with the overseas connection. If the local DNS is down and a "machine not found" error occurs, then try using the current IP for the machine,

Local power cuts

Hopefully this year we will be less affected by power cuts since new transformers have been installed on campus to cope with the expansion and heavier power use. Most of the power cuts however are not campus problems!
The uptime for the server can be found here.
In the past our biggest problem has been the bandwidth into the USA. We upgraded to a 256K leased line in December 1997 and have recently installed VSAT equipment, which was finally switched on the first week of December 1999. We now have a 768K line available! During the first week following the changeover our access_log doubled as people found they could get information more readily.


Any comments regarding this web server should be addressed to Dr. Robert Lancashire at or by filling out the User Survey Form

Some feedback about the site would help direct me to areas that maybe I had not considered, so I hope you will take the time and fill out the survey form that is provided for this purpose.
Thanks, I will reply!

Dr Bird logoReturn to Chemistry, UWI-Mona, Home Page
Created and maintained by Dr. Robert J. Lancashire,
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.

Created Feb 1995. Last modified 23rd December 1999.