RasMol and PDB File Help Web Page

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RasMol Help:

Setting up the RasMol Image and Command Windows
1. When RasMol is opened, two windows appear on your screen, an image window and a command window.
  • The image window displays the structure and includes pull-down menu options for modifying the structure image.

  • The command window displays information about the structure and includes a "RasMol>" prompt for entering specific commands for modifying the image.

2. The image and command windows are simultaneously active.

  • With the image window "on top" commands entered with the keyboard are recorded in the command window.
  • With the command window "on top" the image in the image window will change with commands entered with the keyboard.
    list of properties describing the active structure.

3. Adjust the two windows so that the image window is "on top" and fills most of the screen and the part of the bottom of the command window "peeks out" underneath and below the image window. This way you can see what's going in both windows at the same time.

4. Load a structure file either 1) by using the File/Open option on pulldown menu of the image window or 2) by entering the following command at the "RasMol>" prompt; e.g.,

RasMol> load 'name.pdb'

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© Duane W. Sears
Revised: August 07, 1998