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18 Biosynthesis and Degradation of Amino Acids
Body_ID: C01833410
A B Rawitch
Body_ID: ctrb109
Body_ID: None
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
  • Describe the three mechanisms used by humans for removal of the nitrogen from amino acidsView drug information prior to the metabolism of their carbon skeletons.
  • Outline the sequence of reactions in the ureaView drug information cycle and trace the flow of nitrogen from amino acidsView drug information into and out of the cycle.
  • Describe the role of vitamin B6 in aminotransferase reactions.
  • Define the terms, and give examples of a glucogenic and a ketogenic amino acid.
  • Summarize the factors that contribute to the input and the depletion of the pool of free amino acidsView drug information in animals.
  • Summarize the sources and use of ammonia in animals and explain the concept of nitrogen balance.
  • Identify the essential amino acidsView drug information and the metabolic sources of the non-essential amino acidsView drug information.
  • Explain the biochemical basis and the therapeutic rationale for treatment of phenylketonuria and maple syrup urine disease.
Body_ID: P018001
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