The example of dietary recommendations for a healthy population is the Food Pyramid developed by the US Department of Agriculture (Fig. 21.6). These recommendations promote eating a variety of foods. They stress the balance between food intake and physical activity. They recommend diet containing plenty of complex carbohydrates in the form of grain products, vegetables and fruits. The recommended diet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in sugars, salt and sodium. Alcohol needs be taken in moderation. The Food Pyramid consists of several groups of foodstuffs which need to be taken daily in a decreasing number of daily servings:
- Bread, pasta, and cereal group forms the basis of nutrition with the 6-11 recommended servings
- Fruit (2-4 servings) and vegetable (3-5 servings) groups
- Milk, yoghurt, and cheese - and meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group (both 2-3 servings)
- Fats, oils, and sweets group (to be used sparingly)