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Body_ID: HC028006
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Body_ID: P0400
Body_ID: T028001
Table 28-1. Hepatic function.
Body_ID: None
Hepatic function
Body_ID: T028001.50
FunctionMarkers of impairment in plasma
Body_ID: T028001.100
Heme catabolism↑bilirubin
Body_ID: T028001.150
Carbohydrate metabolism↓glucose
Body_ID: T028001.200
Protein synthesis↓albumin
Body_ID: T028001.250
 ↑prothrombin time
Body_ID: T028001.300
Protein catabolism↑ammonia
Body_ID: T028001.350
Body_ID: T028001.400
Lipid metabolism↑cholesterol
Body_ID: T028001.450
Body_ID: T028001.500
Drug metabolism↑drug t½
Body_ID: T028001.550
Bile acid metabolism↑bile acids
Body_ID: T028001.600
Body_ID: T028001.650
Body_ID: T028001

Functions of hepatic parenchymal cells and their disturbances in liver disease. t½ biological half-time.
Body_ID: None
Body_ID: P028008
Body_ID: F028001
Figure 28.1 Clinical features of severe liver disease.
Body_ID: P028009
Body_ID: F028002
Figure 28.2 Structure of the liver. (A) Schema of the structure. (B) A histological slide of a normal liver. (Courtesy Dr J Newman, Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust, UK)
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Body_ID: P0401
The liver has a central role in glucoseView drug information metabolism, specifically in maintaining the circulating concentration of glucoseView drug information on which a number of tissues, most importantly the brain, are dependent as a source of fuel. This function depends upon the ability of the liver both to store a supply of glucoseView drug information in a polymerized form as glycogen, and to synthesize glucose from non-carbohydrate sources in the process of gluconeogenesis. Importantly the liver also possesses glucose-6-phosphatase which permits the dephosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate, produced as a result of glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis) or gluconeogenesis, which is a necessary prerequisite to the release of glucoseView drug information to the blood (the process of glucoseView drug information release to blood is also called 'endogenous glucoseView drug information production'). Although muscle stores more glycogen than the liver, it has no glucose-6-phosphatase activity and hence cannot directly contribute glucoseView drug information to the blood; the kidney also has both gluconeogenetic enzymes and glucose-6-phosphatase activities but they are quantitatively much smaller than the liver's activities: moreover the kidney does not store glycogen.
Body_ID: P028007
On average, the adult liver stores about 80 g of glycogen, and in the fasting (post-absorptive) state releases 9 g of glucoseView drug information each hour to the blood to maintain the peripheral glucoseView drug information concentration. The brain extracts approximately half of this glucoseView drug information, and skeletal muscle most of the rest. Clearly the amount of glucoseView drug information which can generated by glycogenolysis is limited, and after an overnight (12 h) fast, approximately half of the hepatic glucoseView drug information production (HGP) derives from gluconeogenesis rather than glycogenolyis. The contribution from gluconeogenesis increases progressively with fasting as glycogen stores become further depleted at the rate of 11% per hour. The carbon substrates for gluconeogenesis are derived from both lactate released by glycolysis in the peripheral tissues (the 'glucose-lactate' or 'Cori' cycle) and from hepatic deamination of amino acidsView drug information (mainly alanine, the 'glucose-alanine' cycle) from the proteolysis of skeletal muscle (Chapter 20). Energy for gluconeogenesis comes from the β-oxidation of fatty acids. The end product of this process, acetyl-CoA, also stimulates the activity of the first committed enzyme of gluconeogenesis, pyruvate carboxylase.
Body_ID: P028010
On feeding, hepatic glucoseView drug information production from gluconeogenesis is suppressed by insulin, which is carried directly from the pancreas to the liver by the portal vein. GlucoseView drug information entering the circulation after feeding enters cells by specific transporters of differing kinetic properties. The glucoseView drug information transporter 1 (GLUT1) present in brain is not sensitive to insulin and has a low Michaelis constant (Km), of the order of 1 mmol/L, and a low maximal velocity, around 3 mmol/L. Hence the GLUT1 transporters are saturated at most prevailing plasma glucoseView drug information concentrations, and allow the brain to extract glucoseView drug information at a steady rate which is unlikely to be influenced by feeding or fasting and also prevents excessive glucoseView drug information uptake which could lead to cerebral oedema. The activity of the GLUT2 transporter, present in both liver and pancreas, is again independent of insulin, but has a very high Km, of the order of 15 to 20 mmol/L. These tissues take up glucoseView drug information at a rate which is proportional to the plasma glucoseView drug information concentration, and in the liver glucoseView drug information is converted to glycogen. GlucoseView drug information uptake by the pancreas determines β-cell insulin secretion and the GLUT2 transporter and/or the associated hexokinase which then phosphorylates glucoseView drug information, act as glucoseView drug information sensors. Indeed, mutations in this pancreatic hexokinase, termed glucokinase, are the cause of some cases of the so-called 'maturity onset' diabetes in young people (MODY) (see Chapter 20). The majority of ingested glucoseView drug information, however, is disposed of by muscle and fat tissue that possess another glucoseView drug information transporter, GLUT4, which, because it has a Km similar to average plasma glucoseView drug information concentrations of around 5 mmol/L and is sensitive to insulin, becomes the most important glucoseView drug information sink in the fed state.
Body_ID: P028011
The liver, due to its specialized enzymatic properties, has a key role in glucoseView drug information metabolism, which for glucoseView drug information production is insulin-dependent, but for glucoseView drug information consumption is insulin-independent.
Body_ID: P028012
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