Instructor: Dr. Natalia Tretyakova, Ph.D. «hyperlink "" »6-3432
11-05 Introduction. DNA
structure. Double helix, A, B, Z
–form of DNA. Biophysical properties
of DNA.
11-07 DNA topology. Supercoiling. Enzymes that change DNA: endonucleases, exonucleases, topoisomerases.
11-09 DNA replication. Polymerization reaction.
E. Coli Pol I
11-12 DNA replication
(continued). Initiation,
elongation, and termination.
11-14 DNA repair. Mutations
and cancer.
11-16 Transcription.
11-19 RNA structure. RNA
synthesis in prokaryotes. RNA Pol. I.
11-21 RNA synthesis in
eukaryotes. Transcription
11-23 No class
11-26 Post-transcriptional modifications
in eukaryotes. Review of DNA
11-30 RNA splicing.
12-03 Translation. Genetic code.
12-05 tRNA
12-07 Codon-anticodon
12-10 Protein synthesis – translation
12-12 Protein synthesis – translocation.
Drugs inhibiting protein synthesis
12-14 Review of tRNA,
Protein synthesis. Course
12-17 Exam II. tRNA .
Protein synthesis.