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29 Biosynthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides
Body_ID: C02933410
R Thornburg
Body_ID: ctrb124
Body_ID: None
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
  • Compare and contrast the structure and biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines, highlighting the differences between de novo and salvage pathways.
  • Describe how cells meet their requirements for nucleotides at various stages in their cell cycle, at rest and during cell division.
  • Describe the metabolic basis and therapy for classic disorders in nucleotide metabolism: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, gout and SCIDS.
  • Explain the biochemical rationale for using methotrexate in chemotherapy.
  • Describe several metabolic conditions that result in accumulation of orotic acid in urine.
Body_ID: P029001
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