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Body_ID: HC030031
page 435
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Body_ID: P0436
The genome is composed of DNA, an antiparallel, double-stranded helical polymer of deoxyribonucleotides, stabilized by hydrogen binding between complementary bases. The DNA is packaged in the chromosome in a highly organized, condensed structure. Genetic information is replicated by a semi-conservative mechanism in which the parental strands are separated and both act as templates for daughter DNA. The replication of DNA is a complex, stringently regulated process. DNA is the only polymer in the body that is repaired, rather than degraded, following chemical or biological modification. Repair mechanisms generally involve excision of modified bases and replacement, using the unmodified strand as a template.
Body_ID: P030050
Body_ID: B030008
  1. What are the possible functions of unusual forms of DNA?
  2. Discuss the possible roles for middle repetitive and highly repetitive sequences in DNA.
  3. Fragile X syndrome is the most common form of inherited mental retardation in humans. What is the role of non-genomic DNA in the pathogenesis of this disease?
  4. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer results from a defect in DNA mismatch repair. Why is this condition autosomal dominant?
Body_ID: PB30019
Further reading
Body_ID: None
Ahmed A, Tollefsbol T. Telomeres and telomerase: basic science implications for aging. J Am Geriatr Soc 2001;49:1105-1109. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030001
Cleaver JE, Crowley E. UV damage, DNA repair and skin carcinogenesis. Front Biosci 2002;7:d1024-d1043.
Body_ID: R030002
Norgauer J, Idzko M, Panther E, Hellstern O, Herouy Y. Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Eur J Dermatol 2003;13:4-9.
Body_ID: R030003
Sekiguchi M, Tsuzuki T. Oxidative nucleotide damage: consequences and prevention. Oncogene 2002;21:8895-8904. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030004
Venter JC, et al. (2001) The sequence of the human genome. Science 2001;291:1304-1351. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030005
Watson JD. A passion for DNA. Genes, genomes and society. (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2000) 250pp. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030006
Watson JD. The double helix: a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA. (Norton: New York, 1980) 298pp. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030007
Wilson III D, Sofinowski T, McNeill D. Repair mechanisms for oxidative DNA damage. Front Biosci 2003;8:963-981.
Body_ID: R030008
Zannis-Hadjopoulos M, Price GB. Eukaryotic DNA replication. J Cell Biochem Suppl 1999;32/33:1-14. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030009
Relevant websites
Body_ID: None
DNA workshop: Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030010
Genetic diseases: Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030011
Graphics: Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030012
Human Genome Project: Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030013
General educational:;;; Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030014
DNA repair: this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030015
DNA replication: this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030016
Mitochondrial DNA: Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030017
DNA organization and nucleosomes: this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030018 this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R030019
Body_ID: P0437
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