Modern Biology Masthead Map

Modern Biology is an introductory course for science and non-science majors. This course will present the concepts and principles necessary for a general understanding of the processes occurring in living cells and is the basis for further study in cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular and developmental biology.

This site ( has been constructed for students of this course at Carnegie Mellon University. Information relevant to this course can be accessed through the links listed below. Note, some of these links are to material which can only be viewed using an assigned password or using browsers "calling" from within the CMU domains.

Course ContentCourse Information
Lecture Notes - Study Materials Syllabus
Homework Assignments Lecture Schedule
Biology Movies and Animations Examination Schedule
Modern Biology Web Bookmarks Exam Information
Interactive Molecules for Modern Biology Midsemester Grades
Practice Quiz on Functional Groups Modern Biology Web bboard
Practice Quiz on Subcellular Organelles How to Get HELP with this Course

How to Succeed in this Course

The CMU Biology Department Home Page
Other Biology Info on the WWW

Portions of this site copyright ©1996, 1997, 1998 by Carnegie Mellon University,
its faculty, staff, and students. This page last updated Tuesday, October 6, 1998.
Questions, comments and concerns may be directed to