Constants & Conversion Factors
Physical Biochemistry Spring Term, 1998
Some Fundamental Constants & Numbers
| Constant or Number | Symbol | Value | cgs units |
Speed of light | c | 3.00E+10 | cm/sec |
Avogadro No. | No | 6.02E+23 | mol |
Planck's | h | 6.63E-27 | erg-sec |
Boltzmann's | k | 1.38E-16 | erg/K |
Gas constant | R | 1.987 | cal/K-mol |
Gas constant | R | 8.31E+07 | erg/K-mol |
Electron mass | m | 9.11E-28 | g |
Atomic mass unit | d | 1.66E-24 | g |
| | 3.14159 | |
e | | 2.718 | |
ln(10) | | 2.303 | |
Coversion Factors for Energy Units (g-cm /sec )
| Units | kcal/mol | kJ/mol | erg | eV | cm |
1 kcal/mol = | 1 | 4.18E+00 | 6.95E-14 | 4.34E-02 | 3.50E+02 |
1 kJ/mol = | 2.39E-01 | 1 | 1.66E-14 | 1.04E-02 | 8.36E+01 |
1 erg = | 1.44E+13 | 6.02E+13 | 1 | 6.24E+11 | 5.03E+15 |
1 eV = | 2.31E+01 | 9.65E+01 | 1.60E-12 | 1 | 8.07E+03 |
1 cm = | 2.86E-03 | 1.20E-02 | 1.99E-16 | 1.24E-04 | 1 |
To convert from energy units in the first column to units in the first
multiply by the factor at their intersection.
- The tables are adapted from those in Physical Chemistry with Applications to the Life Sciences (1979) Eisenberg, D. & Crothers, D. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
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