Biology Practice Quizzes Online at CMU

The linked pages described here have quizzes that are based on interactive Chime images and RasMol-generated GIF images of the molecules and macromolecules found in biology.
The True-False and the Paragraph-Correction quizzes appear in a standard text format, but also use JavaScript image-swaps to display and to correct the answers selected.
Functional Group Quiz A Chime-based multiple-choice quiz.
Functional Group Quiz True-False & correct the false statements.
Organelle Quiz True-False & correct the false statements.
Organelle Quiz Identify the incorrect word or phrase in a short paragraph.
Cell Cycle Quiz Identify the incorrect word or phrase in a short paragraph.
The Amino Acid Structure Quiz uses GIF images of amino acids.
Amino Acid Identification Quizzes
The names, abbreviations, and one-letter codes are tested in three formats:
  1. Chime images.
  2. Ball & Stick GIF images.
  3. Spacefill GIF images.
The Protein Structure Quiz uses GIF images from the Protein Architecture tutorial.
Nucleotide Identification Quizzes
The names and abbreviations are tested in two formats:
  1. Chime images.
  2. Ball & Stick GIF images.
The RasMol Command Line Quiz uses a Chime window and an entry form to test your knowledge of RasMol display commands.

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Dr. William McClure
Department of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213