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CPK Colors The RasMol cpk color scheme colors 'atom' objects by the atom (element) type.
Element | Color Name | RGB Values | Hexadecimal |
Carbon | light grey | [200,200,200] | C8C8C8 |
Oxygen | red | [240,0,0] | F00000 |
Hydrogen | white | [255,255,255] | FFFFFF |
Nitrogen | light blue | [143,143,255] | 8F8FFF |
Sulfur | yellow | [255,200,50] | FFC832 |
Phosphorus | orange | [255,165,0] | FFA500 |
Chlorine | green | [0,255,0] | 00FF00 |
Bromine, Zinc | brown | [165,42,42] | A52A2A |
Sodium | blue | [0,0,255] | 0000FF |
Iron | orange | [255,165,0] | FFA500 |
Magnesium | dark green | [42,128,42] | 2A802A |
Calcium | dark grey | [128,128,128] | 808090 |
Unknown | deep pink | [255,20,147] | FF1493 |
The black background in the Element and Color Name columns corresponds to
the "standard" background color in RasMol. Note that the
rendering of the hexadecimal-equivalent colors shown here will depend on your browser,
monitor type and settings, etc. Thus, they only approximate how RasMol will render
the RGB colors on your computer.
Except for green, white, blue, and orange,
these color names are not the ones specified as "Predefined Colors" in
RasMol; thus, they can only be specified on the command line as RGB triplets.
In addition to the twelve elements listed above, RasMol colors many of the other elements
in a distinctive way. The complete RasMol CPK coloring scheme can be viewed using
the Chime plug-in to display a portion of the Periodic Table of Elements.
For X-ray crystallographic models of proteins and nucleic acids (i.e. without
hydrogens) the display can be 'brightened' by converting the O, C, and N atoms from the
RasMol default cpk colors to "true red, white and blue" using
RasMol's predefined color scheme. Use the following script, "usa.col", or
sequence of commands to try it:
select all
select oxygen
color red
select carbon
color white
select nitrogen
color blue
select all
Extension of this idea to other atoms and color schemes is straightforward.
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