This program which runs under MS-Windows, takes as its input Alchemy type file formats.
Molecules can be rotated about the x,y, or z axis and bond lengths, separations and angles
Output can be directed to a simple plotter using the HPGL plot commands.
You can use the following link to download the MS-Windows Version, size=51712, last updated 23nd May, 1995.
To be able to distinguish between Alchemy type .MOL files (3-D) and ISIS/Draw type .MOL files (2-D), I have changed the file extension expected by WVUMOL to '.alc'. Hence the server now has MIME types chemical/x-mol and chemical/x-alc and you will need to set your external viewers accordingly.
I have found a problem with some UNIX sites where the files are not in DOS CR/LF
style, since the program does not (yet??) perform a UNIX2DOS conversion.
It may be necessary to download these files and run them through a text editor before
loading into wvumol.
Some sample files to try out are available from here.
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May-95, rjl