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The Department of Chemistry The University of the West Indies Mona Campus JAMAICA Tel (876) 927-1910 |
This World Wide Web server (http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm:1104/) was established on the 27th September 1994 to provide information about staff, courses and facilities available at the Department of Chemistry at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies, Jamaica.
You are reading the first of over 500 HTML documents, many of which contain links to 350+ chemical data files (e.g. JCAMP-DX and PDB format) and 800+ pictures (GIF or JPEG format), so take your time and work your way through using the links provided below:
This server deals specifically with information relevant to the Department of Chemistry.
For information such as the Academic Calendar, Staff Telephone Directory, Staff vacancies, or material relating to other Departments and Faculties at the Mona Campus and links to other World Wide Web servers at the Mona Campus, contact the MISU (Mona Information System Unit) (webadmin@uwimona.edu.jm ) or visit http://www.uwimona.edu.jm/ the Mona Campus WWW server
The address of the Cave Hill campus web site in Barbados is http://www.uwichill.edu.bb/
The address for the St Augustine campus web site in Trinidad & Tobago is http://www.uwi.tt/
Just below, the UWI crest acts as a link to the official Mona Campus web
server. The Arms of the University
were granted in 1949 and the Motto is: Oriens ex Occidente Lux: A Light Rising from
the West.
On other pages you will find a picture of our National bird, the Doctor Bird, (Trochilus polytmus) which will return you here.
during which time over 169,000 different computers have visited this site from over 140 different domains.
A list of email addresses for
academic staff is provided as a service to help improve communication. NO JUNK MAIL please.
Feedback about the web site can be given by filling out the User Survey Form or sent
directly to mailto:wwwchem@uwimona.edu.jm?subject=Feedback
on web site.
Any questions related to content can be sent to Dr. Robert J. Lancashire,
The Department of Chemistry, University of the West Indies,
Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
Created Sept 1994. Last modified 10th June, 1999.
URL http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm:1104/uwichem.html