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Transport by channels and pores
Body_ID: HC007013
Body_ID: B007007
An 18-month-old child presented with polyuria, failure to thrive and an episode of severe dehydration. Urine dipstick testing demonstrated glucosuria and proteinuria, with other biochemical analyses showing generalized aminoaciduria and phosphaturia.
Body_ID: PB07013
Comment. This is a classical presentation of infantile cystinosis, resulting from accumulation of cystine in lysosomes because of a defect in the lysosomal transport protein, cystinosine. Cystine is poorly soluble, and crystalline precipitates form in cells throughout the body. In vitro experiments with cystine loading have shown that renal proximal tubular cells become ATP-depleted, resulting in impairment of ATP-dependent ion pumps with consequent electrolyte and metabolite losses. Treatment with cysteamine increases the transport of cystine from lysosomes, delaying the decline in renal function. If untreated, renal failure occurs by 6-12 years of age. Unfortunately, there is further accumulation of cystine in the central nervous system, despite therapy, with long-term neurological damage.
Body_ID: PB07014
Channels are often pictured as tunnels across the membrane, in which binding sites for substrates (ions) are accessible from either side of the membrane at the same time (Fig. 7.3B). Conformational changes are not required for the translocation of substrates entering from one side of the membrane to exit on the other side. However, voltage changes and ligand binding induce conformational changes in channel structure that have the effect of opening or closing the channels - processes known as voltage or ligand 'gating'. Movement of molecules through channels is fast (107-108/s) in comparison with the rates achieved by transporters (Table 7.3).
Body_ID: P007026
Integration link: Cystic fibrosis - a defect of chloride ion transportIntegration Link
Taken from Robbins Basic Pathology 7E

The terms 'channel' and 'pore' are sometimes used interchangeably. However, 'pore' is used most frequently to describe more open, somewhat nonselective structures that discriminate between substrates, e.g. peptides or proteins on the basis of size. The term 'channel' is usually applied to describe more specific ion channels.
Body_ID: P007027
Body_ID: T007004
Table 7-4. Classification of glucose transporters.
Body_ID: None
Classification of glucoseView drug information transporters
Body_ID: T007004.50
TransporterKt for d-glucose transport (mM)SubstrateMajor sites of expression
Body_ID: T007004.100
Facilitated diffusion (uniporter) (passive transport)
Body_ID: T007004.150
GLUT-11-2glucoseView drug information, galactose, mannoseubiquitous (erythrocyte, blood-tissue barriers)
Body_ID: T007004.200
GLUT-215-20glucoseView drug information, fructoseliver, intestine, kidney, pancreatic β-cells, brain
Body_ID: T007004.250
GLUT-31.8*glucoseView drug informationubiquitous
Body_ID: T007004.300
GLUT-45glucoseView drug informationskeletal and cardiac muscles, adipose tissues
Body_ID: T007004.350
Body_ID: T007004.400
Na+-coupled symporter (active transport)
Body_ID: T007004.450
SGLT-10.35glucoseView drug information (2Na+/1glucose), galactoseintestine, kidney
Body_ID: T007004.500
SGLT-21.6glucoseView drug information (1Na+/1glucose)kidney
Body_ID: T007004.550
Body_ID: T007004

Km values are determined from the uptake of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (*)
a non-metabolizable analog of glucoseView drug information, and fructose (**).
Body_ID: None
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Body_ID: P0085
Body_ID: B007008
A three-year old had been on holiday to Spain and developed pellagra-like skin changes on his face, neck, forearms and dorsal aspects of his hands and legs. His skin became scaly, rough and hyperpigmented. The child was brought to the GP complaining of headaches and weakness. Urinalysis demonstrated gross hyperaminoaciduria of neutral monoamino-monocarboxylic acids (i.e. alanine, serine, threonine, asparagine, glutamine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine and citrulline).
Body_ID: PB07015
Comment. These neutral amino acidsView drug information share a common transporter which is expressed only on the luminal border of epithelial cells in the renal tubules and intestinal epithelium. The pellagra-like dermatitis (see Chapter 10) and neurological involvement resemble nutritional niacinView drug information deficiency. The reduced tryptophan intake results in reduced nicotinamide production. The disease is easily treated with oral nicotinamide and sun-blocking agents to exposed areas.
Body_ID: PB07016
Three examples of pores important for cellular physiology
Body_ID: HC007015
The gap junction between endothelial, muscle, and neuronal cells is a cluster of small pores, in which two cylinders of six connexin subunits in plasma membranes join each other to form a pore about 1.2-2.0 nm (12-20 Å) in diameter. Molecules smaller than about 1 kDa can pass between cells through gap junctions. Such cell-cell communication is important for physiologic coupling, for example in the concerted contraction of uterine muscle during labor and delivery. These pores are usually maintained in an open state, but will close when cell membranes are damaged or when the metabolic rate is depressed. Mutations of the genes encoding connexin 26 and connexin 32 cause deafness and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, respectively.
Body_ID: P007028
Nuclear pores have a functional radius of about 9.0 nm (90 Å) through which proteins and nucleic acids enter and leave the nucleus.
Body_ID: P007029
A third class of pores is important for protein sorting. Mitochondrial proteins encoded by nuclear genes are transported to this organelle through pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Nascent polypeptide chains of secretory proteins and plasma membrane proteins also pass through pores in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Body_ID: P007030
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