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Apoproteins (apolipoproteins)
Body_ID: HC017011
Apoproteins are the protein components of lipoprotein particles
Body_ID: HC017013
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Body_ID: P0228
They interact with cellular receptors and thus determine the metabolic fate of lipoproteins. They also serve as activators and inhibitors of enzymes involved in lipoprotein metabolism. Main apoproteins are listed in Table 17.4. The most important are apoA, apoB, apoC, apoE, and apo(a). Each class of lipoproteins contains a characteristic set of apoproteins. Apoproteins A (AI and AII) are present in HDL. Apoprotein B variant called apoB100 controls the metabolism of LDL, whereas its truncated form, apoB48 (a N-terminal 48% of apoB100), controls the chylomicrons (see Chapter 33, Fig. 33.7). Apoprotein E controls the receptor binding of remnant particles. Apoproteins C act as enzyme activators and inhibitors and they are extensively exchanged between different lipoprotein classes. Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], may have a role in fibrinolysis (see below).
Body_ID: P017010
Body_ID: T017002
Table 17-2. Phenotypic classification of dyslipidemia.
Body_ID: None
Phenotypic classification of dyslipidemia
Body_ID: T017002.50
Dyslipidemia type (Fredrickson)Increased electrophoretic fraction (lipoproteins)Increased cholesterolIncreased triglyceride
Body_ID: T017002.100
Body_ID: T017002.150
IIabeta (LDL)yesno
Body_ID: T017002.200
IIbpre-beta & beta (VLDL & LDL)yesyes
Body_ID: T017002.250
III'broad beta' band (IDL)yesyes
Body_ID: T017002.300
IVpre-beta (VLDL)noyes
Body_ID: T017002.350
Vpre-beta (VLDL) plus chylomicronsyesyes
Body_ID: T017002.400
Body_ID: T017002.450
Body_ID: T017002

This is a phenotypic classification developed by Fredrickson and adopted by the WHO; it is based on the electrophoretic separation of serum lipoproteins. For genetic classification refer to Table 17.4.
Body_ID: None
Body_ID: T017003
Table 17-3. The most important genetic dyslipidemias.
Body_ID: None
The most important genetic dyslipidemias
Body_ID: T017003.50
DyslipidemiaFrequency/inheritanceDefectPlasma lipid patternIncreased cardiovascular risk
Body_ID: T017003.100
Familial1:500LDL receptor deficiency orhypercholesterolemia or mixedyes
Body_ID: T017003.150
hypercholesterolemiaautosomalfunctional impairmenthyperlipidemia (IIa or IIb) 
Body_ID: T017003.200
Body_ID: T017003.250
Familial combined1:50overproductionhypercholesterolemia or mixedyes
Body_ID: T017003.300
hyperlipidemiaautosomalof apoB100hyperlipidemia (IIa or IIb) 
Body_ID: T017003.350
Body_ID: T017003.400
Familial1:5000presence of E2/E2 isoformmixed hyperlipidemia (III)yes
Body_ID: T017003.450
dysbetalipoproteinemiaautosomaldefective remnant binding  
Body_ID: T017003.500
(type III hyperlipidemia)recessiveto LDL receptor  
Body_ID: T017003.550
Body_ID: T017003.600
Body_ID: T017003.650
Body_ID: T017003

Mixed hyperlipidemia = increased plasma cholesterol and triglycerides
The three clinically most important dyslipidemias are familial hypercholesterolemia, familial combined hyperlipidemia, and familial dysbetalipoproteinemia.
Body_ID: None
Lipoprotein (a) consists of an LDL particle (containing apoB100) linked through a disulfide bond to another apoprotein, apo(a) (Fig. 17.3). Apo(a) is a glycoprotein with a considerable number of variants of different size (size polymorphism). The molecular mass of these isoforms ranges between 200 and 800 kDa. Apo(a) possesses a protease domain and a number of repeating sequences of approximately 80-90 amino acidsView drug information in length, stabilized by disulfide bonds into a triple-loop structure. These structures are called kringles (the name of Danish pastry of similar shape). One of the kringles, kringle IV, is repeated 35 times within the apo(a) sequence. The number of kringle IV repeats determines the size of the lipoprotein (a) isoforms.
Body_ID: P017011
Body_ID: P017012
Body_ID: F017003
Figure 17.3 Schematic structure of lipoprotein (a). Lipoprotein (a) is essentially an LDL particle, with apo(a) is linked to apoB through a disulfide bridge. Apo(a) is a large molecule containing a number of repeat units (kringles). Kringles have structure similar to plasminogen.
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Body_ID: P0229
Body_ID: T017004
Table 17-4. The function of apoproteins.
Body_ID: None
Body_ID: T017004.50
ApoproteinStructural functionReceptorEffect on enzyme activity
Body_ID: T017004.100
AIHDLscavenger receptorLCAT activator
Body_ID: T017004.150
  B1 (SRB1) putative 
Body_ID: T017004.200
  HDL receptor 
Body_ID: T017004.250
AIIHDLHDL receptor?LCAT cofactor
Body_ID: T017004.300
(a)lp(a)plasminogenprobably interferes
Body_ID: T017004.350
  receptor?with fibrinolysis
Body_ID: T017004.400
Body_ID: T017004.450
B100VLDL, IDL, LDLLDL receptor-
Body_ID: T017004.500
CI, CII--LPL activation
Body_ID: T017004.550
CIII--LPL inhibition
Body_ID: T017004.600
Eremnant particlesLDL receptor-
Body_ID: T017004.650
Body_ID: T017004.700
Body_ID: T017004

Both apoE and apoB bind to LDL (apoB/E) receptor. LCAT, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; LRP, LDL receptor-related protein; HTGL, hepatic triglyceride lipase; LPL, lipoprotein lipase.
Body_ID: None
Body_ID: B017005
A rare disease, homocystinuria, where homocysteine accumulates, is associated with premature vascular disease. However, it seems that mild increases in plasma homocysteine are also linked to the increased risk of cardiovascular - and also peripheral vascular disease.
Body_ID: PB17007
Homocysteine metabolism is associated with the metabolism of one-carbon pool. Homocysteine, sulfur-containing amino acid is a product of a metabolism of dietary methionineView drug information and is generated as a result of de-methylation of S-adenosyl methionineView drug information (Chapter 18, p. 254). Homocysteine can be either metabolized to cystathionine and cysteine, or can be re-methylated to methionineView drug information. The re-methylation pathway involves the conversion of N5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate (N5,10-MTHF) to N5-MTHF by methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). Folate is a co-substrate in this reaction.
Body_ID: PB17008
The common cause of hyperhomocysteinemia is folate deficiency, and also a mutation in the MTHFR gene. Proposed mechanisms of homocysteine toxicity include damage to the endothelium and increased oxidation of LDL. Folic acidView drug information is effective in lowering homocysteine.
Body_ID: PB17009
Lipoprotein (a) is assembled in the liver and has a pre-βmobility on electrophoresis. Its density spans the LDL and HDL range (1.04-1.125 g/mL). Its concentration in plasma ranges widely between 0.2 and 120 mg/dL. Apo(a) exhibits a considerable sequence homology with plasminogen. Although it does not possess plasminogen's protease activity, it still may interfere with the action of plasminogen, potentially impairing the process of clot resolution (fibrinolysis) (see Chapter 6).
Body_ID: P017013
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