
Modern Biology is an introductory course for science and non-science majors. This course will present the concepts and principles necessary for a general understanding of the processes occurring in living cells and is the basis for further study in cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular and developmental biology.

Biology Animations and Movies: These deal with a variety of topics, many of which are discussed in this course.
Bookmarks to a variety of Biology Topics
Molecules for Modern/Cell Biology: Interactive images of the structures shown in chapters 2 & 3 of the Solomon, et al. textbook.

Practice True-False Quizzes
Functional Groups
Subcellular Organelles

The CMU Biology Department Home Page
Other Biology Info on the WWW

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its faculty, staff, and students. This page last updated Tuesday, August 11, 1998.
Questions, comments and concerns may be directed to webmaster@www.bio.cmu.edu