Learning Strategies in Biochemistry Gale Rhodes
Department of Chemistry University of Southern Maine Portland, Maine 04104-9300
These pages are under construction. I will revise and add to them as my fall-semester course proceeds.
Please send comments, corrections, and suggestions to rhodes@usm.maine.edu
   Biochemists use the tools of chemistry and physics to explore the fundamental questions of biology. So biochemistry is quite naturally an interdisciplinary subject, requiring knowledge and skill in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computers. One reason that introductory biochemistry is so challenging and satisfying at the same time is that the course contains so many different types of material and requires so many different skills. On of the major rewards of biochemistry is that many pieces in the puzzle of your previous studies fall into place when you study biochemistry.
   Each Learning Strategy contains suggestions about how to review for, study, and master some of the main types of material found in a biochemistry course. In many areas, there are specific strategies that can make your study easier and more satisfying. Some samples: 1) by reviewing some specific concepts from biology, general chemistry, or organic chemistry before you proceed, 2) by memorizing some important structures, or 3) by mastering a key derivation, you can shed unexpectedly bright light into chapters that first appear dark as midnight. As a specific example, if you simply bite the bullet and memorize the structures of the twenty common alpha-amino acids, as well as the ionization states of their side chains, you will find it much easier to read and understand the chapters on protein structure.
   Learning Strategies are divided into topics that correspond to the major subjects in Biochemistry and Biochemistry II (CHY 361-3) at the University of Southern Maine, but this topic list will be similar to that of many biochemistry courses. I hope that these strategies will be helpful to all biochemistry students.
Advice (no charge):
   Here's a learning strategy that will work in every course: Get interested in the subject. Don't let yourself be drawn into the silly grade games students and faculty often play. Don't ask, "What do I need to know for the exam?" or, "How long will this assignment take?" Ask questions aimed at improving your understanding of important concepts. Talk to your teacher and your fellow students about biochemistry, not about grading policies, exam formats, excuses, your weak background in -- well, you get the idea. Study the subject as if understanding it were your job -- or better, as if it were your hobby. Immerse yourself in the subject -- in reading, working problems, developing skills, speaking biochemistry to others, using your text as a reference. If you do, then grades will take care of themselves.

Learning Strategies
Click on a topic to read strategies for mastering new material in the topic area.
Getting Off To A Good Start
· A Strategy For All Seasons, And All Courses
· Some Aids to Reviewing Important Concepts from Organic and General Chemistry
Water and Biomolecules
Protein Sequence
Protein Structure
Enzyme Kinetics & Mechanism
Lipids & Membranes
Metabolism: General Strategy for Learning New Pathways
Monosaccharide Catabolism
Citric-Acid Cycle
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Fatty-Acid Catabolism
Amino-Acid Catabolism
Biosynthesis, Including Photosynthesis
Metabolism in Mammals
DNA & Replication
RNA & Transcription
Translation: Protein Synthesis
Regulation of Gene Expression
Recombinant DNA Technology
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