The Department has a considerable amount of equipment dedicated to research activities.
This includes:
a) Bruker single crystal and power x-ray diffractometers (to be commissioned)
b) Bruker NMR (200 MHz-multiprobe with Magic Angle Spinning)
c) Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer.
Other UV/Vis (including Diode Array)
d) Nitrogen and Dye Lasers, Powerful YAG and Dye Lasers for photophysical studies, Helium
refrigerated cryogenic system for measurement of the temperatures in the range 18-350K;
e) GC with headspace analyser,
GC/MS and HPLC chromatography systems;
f) atomic absorption spectrometer;
g) Fluorescence and Rapid Scanning spectrometers;
h) stopped flow kinetics equipment;
i) FTIR spectrometers
j) electrochemistry equipment
k) food laboratory and fermentation equipment; l) computing
facilities for data handling, report writing, program development and internet connection.
Fibre optic lines to the University backbone connect all Chemistry buildings.
m) Evans magnetic balances.
n) many smaller specialised instruments and equipment.
The Department has glassblowing and machine shop facilities for construction and
routine maintenance of equipment. In addition, due to the work of members of the
Department, many contacts have been made with national and international organizations
(Universities, Companies, Agencies, etc.) and through these it is often possible to have
spectra etc. recorded, when such facilities are not available in the Department.
The University has many facilities to which Chemistry students may have access, including
a well stocked library, the International Centre for Nuclear Sciences and the Environment
(for trace multi-element analysis work), a scanning electron microscope and a Convex 3400
supercomputer with fibre-optic network links to the Department.
Lab Manuals Lectures Software Search Spectra Staff Survey Tutorials Weekly Message MISUCreated September 1994. Last modified 31st March 1999.