The fascination with things Jamaican is worldwide and so included below are a selection
of chemical themes with a real Jamaican flavour.
Take a look at the first interactive GC/Mass Spectra on the internet. There are
examples under; coffee, pimento and nutmeg below.
The following pages make use of chemical MIME types such as chemical/x-pdb and
chemical/x-jcamp-dx. Other examples can be found in the spectroscopy section. More traditional lecture topics are covered here.
This work was inspired by:
"Molecules", by Peter Atkins, Scientific American Library, NY, 1987.
"Chemistry in the Market Place", by Ben Selinger, so good my three copies have
been 'borrowed', ANU Press.
"Hyperactive Molecules", by Henry Rzepa and Ben Whitaker.
to Chemistry, UWI-Mona, Home Page