The following examples should work on a MAC or PC with CHIME 1, since they use Javascripts and image maps to mimic the links now possible between spectra and molecular graphics display in CHIME 2.
The only examples developed are:
To access the remainder of the pages you will need a PC running Windows 95 (or later) or Windows NT and a web browser (either Netscape or Internet Explorer) with the JavaScript option enabled.
Next, you will need a copy of the MDL plugin CHIME version 2 which has our JCAMP-DX code incorporated into it.
A further 20 examples are mirrored on the MDL web site as demonstrations for the release of CHIME 2. To activate the interactive link, click on a peak with the left mouse button, the right mouse button will display a pop up menu.
During a workshop at U Mass (Amherst) in June 1998, several examples were prepared using CHIME with the idea of interpreting IR spectra by generating animations for vibrational modes.
As a build up for ChemInt 99 the idea of showing fragmentation of molecules corresponding to peaks in Mass Spectra was developed.
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Created Sept 1997. Last modified 10th November 1999.