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Body_ID: HC006002
Hemostasis means 'the arrest of bleeding'
Body_ID: HC006005
After tissue injury that ruptures smaller vessels (including everyday trauma, injections, surgical incisions, and tooth extractions), a series of interactions between the vessel wall and the circulating blood normally occur, resulting in cessation of blood loss from injured vessels within a few minutes (hemostasis). Hemostasis results from effective sealing of the ruptured vessels by a hemostatic plug composed of blood platelets and fibrin. Fibrin is derived from circulating fibrinogen, whereas platelets are small cell fragments that circulate in the blood and have an important role in the initiation of hemostasis.
Body_ID: P006004
Hemostasis requires the effective, coordinated function of blood vessels, platelets, coagulation factors and the fibrinolytic system
Body_ID: HC006006
Figure 6.1 provides an overview of hemostatic mechanisms, and illustrates some of the interactions between blood vessels, platelets, and the coagulation system in hemostasis; each of these components of hemostasis also interacts with the fibrinolytic system. The initial response of small blood vessels to injury is arteriolar vasoconstriction, which temporarily reduces local blood flow. Flow reduction transiently reduces blood loss, and may also promote formation of the platelet-fibrin plug. Activation of blood platelets is followed by their adhesion to the vessel wall at the site of injury, and their subsequent aggregation to each other, building up an occlusive platelet mass that forms the initial (primary) hemostatic plug. This platelet plug is friable and, unless subsequently stabilized by fibrin, will be washed away by local blood pressure when vasoconstriction reverses.
Body_ID: P006005
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Body_ID: P0064
Body_ID: P006007
Body_ID: F006001
Figure 6.1 Overview of hemostatic mechanisms. (A) Vascular injury sets in motion a series of events that culminate in formation of a primary plug of platelets. This can be dispersed by blood flowing through the vessel unless the plug is stabilized. (B) The primary plug is stabilized by a network of fibrin (formed from crosslinked fibrinogen). The secondary plug is stable and is degraded only when the fibrinolytic system has been activated. PAF, platelet activating factor; PF3, platelet factor 3; tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator; TXA2, thromboxane A2; Va, activated coagulation factor V; VIIIa, activated coagulation factor VIII; vWF, von Willebrand factor.
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Body_ID: P0065
Vascular injury also activates coagulation factors, which interact sequentially to form thrombinView drug information, which converts circulating soluble plasma fibrinogen to insoluble, crosslinked fibrin. This forms the subsequent (secondary) hemostatic plug, which is relatively resistant to dispersal by blood flow or fibrinolysis. There are two pathways of the activation of coagulation factors: the extrinsic pathway which is initiated by the exposure of the flowing blood to tissue factor, released from subendothelial tissue; and the intrinsic pathway which has an important amplification role in generating thrombinView drug information and fibrin.
Body_ID: P006006
The lysis of fibrin is equally important to health as is its formation
Body_ID: HC006007
Hemostasis is a continuous process throughout life, and would result in excessive fibrin formation and vascular occlusion if unchecked. Evolution has therefore produced a fibrinolytic system; this is activated by local fibrin formation, resulting in local generation of plasmin, an enzyme which digests fibrin plugs (in parallel with tissue repair processes), thus maintaining vascular patency. Digestion of fibrin results in generation of circulating fibrin degradation products (FDP). These are detectable in plasma of healthy individuals at low concentration, which illustrates that fibrin formation and lysis are continuing processes in health.
Body_ID: P006008
Excessive bleeding may result from defects in each of the components of hemostasis, which may be caused by disease (congenital or acquired) or by antithrombotic drugs (Table 6.1).
Body_ID: P006009
The vascular, platelet, coagulation and fibrinolytic components of hemostasis will now be discussed in turn.
Body_ID: P006010
Body_ID: T006001
Table 6-1. Congenital and acquired causes of excessive bleeding.
Body_ID: None
Causes of excessive bleeding
Body_ID: T006001.50
Body_ID: T006001.100
vessel walldisorders of collagen synthesis (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome)vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) corticosteroid excess
Body_ID: T006001.150
plateletsvWF deficiency (von Willebrand disease) platelet GPIb-IX deficiency (Bernard-Soulier syndrome) platelet GPIIb-IIIa deficiency (Glanzmann's thrombasthenia)antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirinView drug information) defective formation of platelets excessive destruction of platelets
Body_ID: T006001.200
coagulationcoagulation factor deficiencies (hemophilias)-factor VIII factor IX factor XI fibrinogen etc.vitamin K deficiency (factors II, VII, IX, X) oral anticoagulants (vitamin K antagonists, e.g. warfarin) liver disease disseminated intravascular   coagulation (DIC)
Body_ID: T006001.250
fibrinolysisantiplasmin deficiency PAI-1 deficiencyfibrinolytic drugs (e.g. tPA,   urokinaseView drug information, streptokinaseView drug information)
Body_ID: T006001.300
Body_ID: T006001.350
Body_ID: T006001

GPIb-IX, GPIIb-IIIa, glycoprotein receptors Ib-IX and IIb-IIIa; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.
Body_ID: None
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