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RasMol Manual: Frames ReadMe
The files in this folder were last modified on June 16, 1997 by Dr. Will McClure.
Please see the following sections in the Manual for general operating suggestions:

Introduction and overview by Roger Sayle.
Introduction to the HTML versions and Revision History for how the Manual came to be in its current format(s).
Navigation Notes for tips on using this frames format.

Briefly, the RasMol 2.6 Manual can be displayed in a frames format with an Index frame at the left or in a single-page format without the Index frame. In both formats navigation links are found at the top and bottom of each frame (or page).
All of the navigation links between frames (or pages) are plain-vanilla HTML. The addition of JavaScript control or GIFs as image maps might enhance the overall appearance in Netscape, but it might also limit the usefulness for those po' folks who can't afford a high-quality browser!
Switching between formats: Since either can be preferable under different circumstances, the formats can be converted from one to the other:

Frames: Add the Index frame to the left and go to the Table of Contents frame.
No Frames: Remove the Index frame and go to the Table of Contents page.

These options are also found at the top of the Table of Contents page (or frame).
With the Manual on your computer disk (or server) in the appropriate folder/directory, click on the Frames or No Frames link above, and set a Bookmark for future access.
Note: The "single file" version of the Manual, rasman.htm, is not included with this downloaded set of files. Except for the link on the "proxy" page, all of the links in the Manual require a copy of rasman.htm in the same folder/directory as this frames version.
Changing these (and other) links is fairly simple, but instructions for doing so are not provided here. (Comments and some alternative display options are inserted in the HTML text of this page; these can be read in Netscape using View, then Frame Source or with any text editor.)
If you want to make other changes in the appearance or content of the Manual for your own use, the following table may be helpful; it lists all of the files currently in the Manual. If you find errors, or if you make changes that improve the usefulness of the Manual, please forward your suggestions to Dr. Eric Martz ( or to W. McClure.

File ContentsFilenameSize (Kb)
Frameset: Index & Text frames RASMAIN.HTM  9
Index for frames format INDEX.HTM  5
Intro to RasMol v2.5 Manual INTRO.HTM  9
HTML Intro & Revision History FRINTRO.HTM  9
rasman.htm Proxy RASPROXY.HTM  5
Navigation Notes NAVNOTE.HTM  9
Quick Reference Card v2.6 REFCARD.PDF23
Table of Contents TOC.HTM18
RasMol Icon on TOC RASICON.GIF  9
General Operation Part 1 GENOP1.HTM14
General Operation Part 2 GENOP2.HTM18
RasMol's Menu Selections MENUBAR.HTM18
8 GIFs for Menus; 5 Kb each  40
Command Reference A-C CRAC.HTM18
Command Reference D-H CRDH.HTM  9
Command Reference I-P CRIP.HTM14
Command Reference Q-Se CRQS.HTM14
Command Reference Se-St CRSS.HTM14
Command Reference T-Z CRTZ.HTM  9
Internal Parameters A-C IPAC.HTM  9
Internal Parameters D-M IPDM.HTM14
Internal Parameters P-Z IPPZ.HTM14
Atom Expressions ATEXP.HTM  9
Predefined Sets A-B PSAB.HTM14
Predefined Sets C-N PSCN.HTM  9
Predefined Sets P-Z PSPZ.HTM  9
Table of Amino Acid Classes PSTABLE.HTM23
Colors and Color Schemes COLORS.HTM18
Predefined Colors Table PRECLRS.HTM  9
Amino/Shapely Colors Table SHAPELY.HTM  9
CPK Colors Table CPKCLRS.HTM  9
Files and File Formats FILEFORM.HTM23
Example of a PDB File 1CRN.HTM23
Bibliography from v2.5 Manual BIBLIOG.HTM18

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