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Body_ID: HC012015
Glycogen is stored in two tissues in the body for different reasons: in liver for short-term maintenance of blood glucoseView drug information homeostasis, and in muscle as a source of energy. Glycogen metabolism in these tissues responds rapidly to both allosteric and hormonal control. In liver, the balance between glycogenolysis and glycogenesis is regulated by the balance between concentrations of glucagon and insulin in the circulation, which controls the state of phosphorylation of enzymes. Phosphorylation of enzymes under the influence of glucagon directs glycogen mobilization and is the most common condition in the liver, e.g. during sleep. Increases in blood insulin during and after meals promote dephosphorylation of the same enzymes, leading to glycogenesis. Insulin also promotes glucoseView drug information uptake into muscle and adipose tissue for glycogen and triglyceride synthesis following a meal. EpinephrineView drug information controls phosphorylation of liver enzymes, enabling a burst in hepatic glycogenolysis and an increase in blood glucoseView drug information for stress responses. Muscle is also responsive to epinephrineView drug information, but not to glucagon; in this case the glucoseView drug information produced by glycogenolysis is used for energy metabolism. In addition, muscle glycogenolysis is responsive to intracellular Ca2+ and AMP concentrations, providing a mechanism for coupling glycogenolysis to energy consumption during exercise. The actions of insulin, glucagon, and epinephrineView drug information illustrate many of the fundamental principles of hormone action (Table 12.5). Gluconeogenesis takes place primarily in liver, and is designed for maintenance of blood glucoseView drug information during the fasting state. It is essential after 12 h of fasting, when the majority of hepatic glycogen has been consumed. The major substrates for gluconeogenesis are lactate, amino acidsView drug information, and glycerol; fatty acid metabolism provides the necessary energy. The major control point is at the level of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1), which is activated by the allosteric effector Fru-2,6-BP. The synthesis of Fru-2,6-BP is under control of the bifunctional enzyme, PFK-2/Fru-2,6-BPase, whose kinase and phosphatase activities are regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, under hormonal control by insulin and glucagon. During fasting and active gluconeogenesis, glucagon mediates phosphorylation and activation of the phosphatase activity of this enzyme, leading to a decrease in the level of Fru-2,6-BP, and a corresponding decrease in glycolysis. Oxidation of pyruvate is also inhibited in the mitochondrion by inhibition of PDH by acetyl-CoA, derived from fat metabolism.
Body_ID: P012058
Body_ID: B012010
  1. The inactivation of glycogenesis in response to epinephrineView drug information occurs in a single-step by action of PKA on glycogen synthase, while the activation of glycogenolysis involves an intermediate enzyme, phosphorylate kinase, which phosphorylates phosphorylase. Discuss the metabolic advantages of the two-step activation of glycogenolysis.
  2. Investigate the use of inhibitors of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis for treatment of type 2 diabetes.
  3. Glucose-6-phosphatase is essential for production of glucoseView drug information in liver, but is not a cytosolic enzyme. Describe the activity and subcellular localization of this enzyme and the final stages of the pathway for production of glucoseView drug information in liver.
Body_ID: PB12018
Further reading
Body_ID: None
Barthel A, Schmoll D. Novel concepts in insulin regulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003;285:E685-692.
Body_ID: R012001
Brooks C. Neonatal hypoglycemia. Neonatal network 1997;16:15-21.
Body_ID: R012002
Donovan CM, Sumida KD. Training enhanced hepatic gluconeogenesis: the importance for glucoseView drug information homeostasis during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exercise 1997;29:628-634. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012003
Fischer EH. Cellular regulation by protein phosphorylation: a historical review. Biofactors 1997;6:367-374.
Body_ID: R012004
Hargreaves M. Interactions between muscle glycogen and blood glucoseView drug information during exercise. Exercise Sports Sci Rev 1997;25:21-39.
Body_ID: R012005
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Body_ID: P0173
Hawley JA, Schabort EJ, Noakes TD, Dennis SC. Carbohydrate loading and exercise performance. An update. Sports Med 1997;24:73-81.
Body_ID: R012006
Kurland IJ, Pilkis SJ. Covalent control of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase. Protein Sci 1995;4:1023-1037.
Body_ID: R012007
Melendez R, Melendez-Hevia E, Cascante M. How did glycogen structure evolve to satisfy the requirement for rapid mobilization of glucose? A problem of physical constraints in structure building. J Mol Evol 1997;45:446-455.
Body_ID: R012008
Mizock BA. Alterations in carbohydrate metabolism during stress: a review. Am J Med 1995;98:75-84. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012009
Tarui S. Glycolytic defects in muscle: aspects of collaboration between basic science and clinical medicine. Muscle and Nerve 1995;3: S2-9.
Body_ID: R012010
Van den Berghe G. Disorders of gluconeogenesis. J Inh Metab Dis 1996;19:470-477.
Body_ID: R012011
Wolfsdorf JI, Weinstein DA.Glycogen storage diseases. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2003;4:95-102. Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012012
Body_ID: None
Glycogen:;Open this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012013 this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012014
Gluconeogenesis: this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012015
Glycogen Storage Diseases:;Open this link in a new window this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012016
Gestational Diabetes:;Open this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012017 this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012018
Hypoglycemia: this link in a new window Full articleGo to this article on the publisher's site
Body_ID: R012019
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Body_ID: P0174
Body_ID: P0175
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