Software at Chemistry, UWI-Mona

In construction.

It is possible to use WWW to provide information and support for the CAL software you use. The utility w3launch allows you to implement software menus on your WWW pages. Students can read introductory notes for a piece of software and then select a hot link to run it.

For Chemistry students on the Mona campus, use the following link for more details.

The following are some software packages developed here at Mona.

Titrations, size=73216 - I see this is now available from some ftp sites as well.

Boltzmann distributions, size=36096 simulation of random elastic collisions in a container.

WVuMol, size=55552 a molecular graphics viewer which reads Alchemy file formats.

New 32-bit version of the JCAMP-DX viewer is now available for Windows 95 and WinNT.

JCAMP-DX viewer for UV/Vis, IR, NMR, GC, EPR and Mass Spec files.

Links to other programmes for conversion of files from a PE 1605 FTIR and HP 5890 GC or GC/MS are found here.

COMICS for Windows. Solution Equilibrium Calculations.

In the C21J Inorganic Course, we have used a spreadsheet template to aid in the calculation of magnetic moments determined using the Gouy method.
With the advent of the WWW and forms, a page has now been set up to do this calculation on the Internet. If you are interested in the C source code that sits behind the HTML page, please contact Dr R. Lancashire.

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Oct-96, rjl