Week 1, September 29th  |
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Week 2, October 6th  |
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Week 3, October 13th  |
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Week 4, October 20th  |
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Week 5, October 27th  |
Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF) (hbn) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | Sickle Hemoglobin (HbS) (hbn) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | Adult Hb (HbA) | HbS -- Kinemage Image | Fetal Hb (HbF) | HbS -- RasMol/Chime Image | Hill & Scatchard Analysis (lig) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | Enzyme Structure (enz) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | Mb & Hb Oxygen Binding | Analysis of a Mystery Enzyme with RasMol |
Week 6, November 3rd  |
Midterm Exam (ask TA for Instructions) | |
Week 7, November 10th  |
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Week 8, November 17th  |
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Week 9, November 24th  |
Enzymes (enz) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | Enzyme Kinetics (kin) (gg,mh,sy,vv,zu) | | | | |
Week 10, December 1st  |
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Miscellaneous |
" Topic Webs" (identified with colored balls and unique three-letter abbreviations in parenthesis) include web pages with conceptually-related content. Use Topic Web identifiers in a Topic Search to locate web pages with topically-related information.  |
Amino acids (amn) | Hemoglobin structure/function (hbn) | Ligand binding interactions/buffers (lig) | Analysis of enzyme kinetics (kin) | Secondary structure (2nd) | Enzyme structure/function (enz) | Biochemical laboratory methods (exp) | Nucleic acids (nas) |
"Textbook Chapter Locators" (listed as unique two-letter abbreviations in parentheses) identify different biochemistry textbooks. Use Chapter Locators, followed by a specific chapter number, in a Topic Search to locate web pages with content related to chapter material in these biochemistry texts:  |
(gg) | R.H. Garrett and C.M. Grisham, "Biochemistry," Fort Worth: Saunders College Publishing (1995) | (mh) | C. K. Mathews and K.E. van Holde, "Biochemistry," 2nd ed. Menlo Park: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. (1995). | (sy) | L. Stryer, "Biochemistry," 4th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Co. (1995) | (vv) | D. Voet and J.G. Voet, "Biochemistry," 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1995) | (zu) | G.L. Zubay, "Biochemistry," 4th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Publishers (1998) |